They allow the basic functions of the site, such as navigating and accessing secure areas of the website, adding products to the cart and completing purchases. The necessary Cookies are necessary for the site to function properly and to serve the purpose of the user's visit (eg completion of purchase). They are used for the proper and smooth operation of the page and allow the website to remember the user's options, in order to provide improved and personalized functions according to its needs and interests. This category includes cookies with information such as the shopping cart, as well as information for safe browsing.
They help us understand how our visitors use the various pages, collecting and reporting anonymous information. So we can understand if users are having a problem and if a page needs improvement. We also get useful reports to improve the performance of our site in general.
These cookies are used to provide ads with content that suits users and their interests. They can be used to send targeted advertising or personalized offers to the user. They also help us measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
Cookies are small text files that are used from websites to make your experience more effective. It makes it easier
site to memorize information about your visit, such as language selection, the
basket and other settings. This can make your next visit easier
makes the site more useful to you.
The absolutely necessary Cookies are stored directly in the browser (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.),
of your device as they are necessary for the website to work. All other types
Cookies are analyzed below and you can choose which categories to consent to
for storage.
You can see in detail which Cookies we use as well as the entire Cookies policy
You can also change your options at any time via the link
"Cookies Settings" at the bottom of the web page.
Learn more about who we are, how you can communicate with us and
with how we process personal data in the Privacy Statement.